skate 4 and brickadia is relasing for early access tis year im lowkey excited as fuck this year gon be fire. fuck gta 6 im ready for skate and brickadia
keksware neocitie org (the best site ever) has gotten a rebranding with a cooler new logo that wasnt made with some shit like cooltext dot org thanks to my friend allan everyone say thank you allan [SAY THANK YOU ALLAN TO UNLOCK REST OF POST]
havent been active here for a long time lol i dont rlly got much to type abt anymore shits been hard for me u kno. its 2025 now so i need to complete my new years resolution of geting a bad ass latina gf if ya get what imsayingggggggg. #swag anyway bye for a long ass time prob again my discord is @keksware im ALWAYS online there
Reckless Records gave me a fiver for all of them. Fuck.
I bought a 100 CD's from this weird dude on eBay. Gonna make bands selling them at Soho's very own RECKLESS RECORDS!!!
My autism has decided to turn from the PlayStation obsession to the Tech Deck obsession, this means that i like fake ass tiny plastic skateboards that look cool to me. Also i got a mega ramp from ebay so that shoud be pretty fun!!!!!!!!! For the love of god allah please let me do an ollie.
I have finally managed to get a PS Vita from CeX for 100GBP which is a pretty good price for a vita, anywho i jailbroke it so i had to downgrade to firmware 3.65 from 3.74 so NoNpDrm doesnt crash everythiing.
I have two PlayStation 3's now. No im not gonna elaborate.
Yo yo! Im almost back to the UK as school is gonna reopen and im overdue on a TON of assignments, I'd normally be sad schools reopening but this means im finally gonna be able to fix my PS3!!! HOW JOYOUS!!!!!.
Okay so you guys remember the PS3 I ordered, turns out it had a broken network board and therefore lead to it being stuck in an update loop due to a certain PS3 function that checks for a faulty component every time you update and gives an error if there is a faulty component. Found a spare board for 3 GBP. Gonna get that fixed in the next 3 months hopefully.
Dear GOD I love the Playstation 3 SO MUCH and I have great reasons. It just has great games and looks so sick, especially the fat models. Even though they struggle with YLOD which isnt that hard of a fix, its till quite annoying yeah? Imagine being a kid that just wants to play Skate 3 and being met with that damn YLOD.